Thursday, April 4, 2013

What are Crystalloid Electrolyte Sea Minerals? why are they added?

Why Crystalloid Electrolyte Sea Minerals are added to 

Crystalloid Electrolyte Sea Minerals will assist your horse in the assimilation of up to 97% of the rich nutrients available in the pure fresh water blue-green algae of The Perfect Horse™.

WHY are they added?
  • To help in the absorption and digestion. 
E3 Live™FOR HORSES and E3 AFA™FOR HORSES Is known to help with:
  • strengthening the immune system
  • act as an anti-inflammatory
  • enhancing energy, vitality & endurance 
  • improving attention, alertness
  • brain function
    The combination will allow your horse to assimilate the rich nutrients available in Aphanizomenonflos-aquae (Klamath Lake Blue-Green Algae), one of its most pure forms.

    There was a time when nutrient rich grasses were a staple throughout the earth and horses thrived because of it.Today, nothing could be farther from the truth.

    Depleted soil conditions are the norm, and commercially produced hays are rich in anything but nutrients.

    Nutrient deficiencies have become your horse’s worst enemy.

    Lets break down the meaning of Crystaloid Electrolyte Sea Menirals

    crys·tal·loid [kris-tl-oid] Show IPA noun

    a usually crystallizable substance that, when dissolved in a liquid, will diffuse readily through vegetable or animal membranes.

    e•lec•tro•lyteɪˈlɛk trəˌlaɪt(n.)
    any substance that dissociates into ions when melted or dissolved in a suitable medium and thus forms a conductor of electricity.

    various ions, such as sodium, potassium, or chloride, required by cells to regulate the electric charge and flow of water molecules across the cell membrane.
    Any substance that produces ions when dissolved is an electrolyte.

    Sea Minerals contain elements your horses are not receiving from the grassy fields they are grassing or from the hay you are feeding for which Sea minerals are greatly needed. 

    full dose of sea salt might be good for plants it's not good for animals or humans. Consumption of carbon chemistry is not part of the digestive process. Though sea salt contains no less than 84 elements it is a bad idea to put sea salt directly in or over your food. read more on sea minerals

    Sea minerals helps to fight against cell degeneration. 

    Crystalloid Electrolyte Sea Minerals will assist your horse in the assimilation of up to 97% of the rich nutrients available in the pure fresh water blue-green algae of The Perfect Horse™.

    Read our Blog Post on Algae FOR HORSES? 

    E3AFA FOR HORSES and E3Live FOR HORSES helps in the regeneration of damaged hoof tissues as they relate to hoof problems. ie laminitiscracks or white Line disease.

    Thank you for visiting our blog, Come back soon.   THE PERFECT HORSE®

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